o activate Weasis, go to the JMX console (at http://:8080/jmx-console)
In dcm4chee.web select service=WebConfig and set these two values:
WebviewerNames = weasis
WebviewerBaseUrl = weasis:/weasis-pacs-connector/weasis
This configuration allows launching Weasis with the weasis protocol that requires the installation of the native client..
Click the Apply Changes button
Configure Weasis (This step is optional if you just want to keep the default configuration. It is required when the AETitle DCM4CHEE has been changed) The default configuration is stored in two files inside weasis-pacs-connector.war. To override the default configuration:
Download the current weasis-connector-default.properties and rename it weasis-pacs-connector.properties, and download dicom-dcm4chee.properties (configuration of the dcm4chee archive)
Copy the files into a folder in the classpath of the servlet container. In JBoss (inferior to version 7), the best location would typically be server/default/conf.
Edit the configuration as needed. For example, dcm4chee may be running on a different computer than Weasis, or the AE Title of dcm4chee may have been changed.
If so, edit weasis-pacs-connector.properties or dicom-dcm4chee.properties (e.g. pacs.host, pacs.port, pacs.aet…)
That’s all, now restart dcm4chee. To launch the viewer from the dcm4chee-web3 portal, the client computer must have installed the Weasis package on the operating system.
In dcm4chee.web select service=WebConfig and set these two values:
WebviewerNames = weasis
WebviewerBaseUrl = weasis:/weasis-pacs-connector/weasis
This configuration allows launching Weasis with the weasis protocol that requires the installation of the native client..
Click the Apply Changes button
Configure Weasis (This step is optional if you just want to keep the default configuration. It is required when the AETitle DCM4CHEE has been changed) The default configuration is stored in two files inside weasis-pacs-connector.war. To override the default configuration:
Download the current weasis-connector-default.properties and rename it weasis-pacs-connector.properties, and download dicom-dcm4chee.properties (configuration of the dcm4chee archive)
Copy the files into a folder in the classpath of the servlet container. In JBoss (inferior to version 7), the best location would typically be server/default/conf.
Edit the configuration as needed. For example, dcm4chee may be running on a different computer than Weasis, or the AE Title of dcm4chee may have been changed.
If so, edit weasis-pacs-connector.properties or dicom-dcm4chee.properties (e.g. pacs.host, pacs.port, pacs.aet…)
That’s all, now restart dcm4chee. To launch the viewer from the dcm4chee-web3 portal, the client computer must have installed the Weasis package on the operating system.